Inas Halabi
Innovative Visual Artist and Filmmaker
Date of Birth:
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Why Featured?
Inas Halabi is recognized for her impactful work in film and visual arts, exploring the interconnection between past and present social and political conditions, with a focus on Palestinian narratives.
Brief bio
Inas Halabi is a Palestinian artist and filmmaker, known for her work that delves into historical narratives and the construction of memory, often through the lens of personal stories.
Major Milestones
Won the AM Qattan Foundation’s Young Artist of the Year Award for her video work "Mnemosyne" in 2016.
Participated in notable exhibitions such as the Sharjah Biennial 13 Offsite (2017) and Municipal Art Acquisitions at Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2020).
Held artist residencies at Deltaworkers, New Orleans (2020), De Ateliers, Amsterdam (2019), and Gasteatelier Krone Residency, Switzerland (2016).
Received an MFA from Goldsmiths College, London (2014).
Commissioned by Europalia Arts Festival for her work "Hopscotch (The Centre of the Sun’s Radiance)" in 2021.
The film "Mnemosyne," which explores family narratives and the variability of memory.
"We Have Always Known the Wind’s Direction," a video work that makes the invisible visible through unique artistic means.
"Hopscotch (the Centre of the Sun’s Radiance)," an audio piece documenting colonial oppression through the subject of train development.
Participation in international biennials and exhibitions, showcasing her work globally...See More
Exploration of social and political conditions in her film work, linking past to present.
Date of Last Update:
September 3, 2024
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