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Jill Stein

Outspoken Advocate for Palestinian Rights

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Date of Birth:



Chicago, Illinois, USA

Place of Birth:

Why Featured?

Political Leadership and Advocacy for Palestine

Brief bio

Jill Stein is an American physician, activist, and politician, known for her two-time candidacy for U.S. President with the Green Party. Beyond her environmental and health advocacy, Stein is recognized for her strong stance on Palestinian rights, often critiquing U.S. foreign policy towards Israel and advocating for significant policy changes to support peace in the region.

Major Milestones


  • Green Party Presidential Candidacy: Ran for U.S. President in 2012 and 2016, highlighting issues of social justice including Palestinian rights.

  • Political Activism: Has been a vocal critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel's crimes in Palestine...See More

  • Public Demonstrations: Participated in numerous rallies and demonstrations supporting Palestinian rights.

  • Arrest at Pro-Palestine Protest: Was arrested during a protest, underscoring her commitment to active, on-the-ground advocacy.

  • Educational Outreach: Engages regularly in public discussions and educational forums to inform and mobilize support for Palestinian humanitarian issues.

  • Advocacy for Palestine: Advocates for a more balanced U.S. policy in the Israeli occupation of Palestine, emphasizing human rights and justice for the Palestinians.

  • Reduction of Military Aid: Calls for the reduction of U.S. military aid to Israel, citing concerns over human rights violations.

  • Support for Ceasefires and Peace Talks: Has publicly called for ceasefires and supports diplomatic solutions to the war...See More

  • Promotion of Human Rights: Uses her platform to highlight the human rights abuses faced by Palestinians.

  • Support for International Law: Advocates for adherence to international law and accountability for war crimes in the region.

Date of Last Update: 
September 3, 2024

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